Group Leader Info


Group Leader Information

I am sure you are asking yourself, “Why did I have to be the group leader?” You can be assured that we will do our best to make your time at the Farm as pleasant and stress free as possible.

Below you will find a typical trip itinerary as well as some policies and recommendations that we have developed from our years of experience with hundreds of field trips just like yours.

Itineraries may vary according to the type of tour you have booked, arrival time and the number of groups that we have at the farm on that day. Our goal is to keep everyone moving and having fun, so from time to time we will change the order of events so that a group is not just standing in line.

Typical Itinerary

(1 ½ hours to 2 hours)

(1 ½ hours to 2 hours)

  • Arrive at reserved time via the Hartford Road bus entrance.
  • Your group will be greeted by one of our Farmers. Please do not unload from your bus until you are instructed to do so.
  • Your group will unload and be escorted to the Hayride staging area or educational activity.
  • You will be assigned a storage area to put your snacks or lunches while you are on your hayride.
  • The headcount is made as you pass through the gate to enter the wagons. This will be the final headcount for billing so you will be asked to confirm this headcount before the hayride departs.
  • Hayride to pick the seasonal crop (30-40 min.)
  • Lunch or a snack in the picnic area (20-30 min.)
  • Animal feeding and play time in our improved Animal Farm and obstacle course (30 min.)
  • Shopping time in the Farm Market, Bakery and Gift shop (30 min.)
  • Payment in the market with Diane.
  • Inform one of our farmers that your group is ready to leave.
  • We will retrieve your bus.

Things to do before you arrive


Confirm your reservation and accurate head count with Johnson’s Farm one week prior to your trip. This can be done by email or by phone 609-654-8643.

Confirm your bus reservation, date, time and place. Make sure your bus company has accurate directions to Johnson’s Farm.  GPS address:  238 Hartford Rd. Medford, NJ 08055


Collect all funds from any guest attending the trip prior to your visit. This is especially important if you are allowing parents and siblings to attend.


Well prepared chaperons are vital to the success of your visit. The Group Leader should meet with the chaperons before your visit to explain the logistics of the trip and review the guidelines. Discuss our policies and procedures with all chaperons and parents attending the trip. Give each chaperon a trip itinerary; inform them of what is included in their trip. We highly recommend that group leaders are not chaperons. This will allow you to be free to move between groups and attend to questions and issues.

Organize your snacks or lunches in advance. If your group is scheduled to have a snack or lunch in our picnic area it is best if they are packed in boxes or coolers and are kept at the front of the bus for quick unloading. We will give each group an assigned space to keep their lunches and belongings throughout the day.


Group Leader Checklist

  • Exact count of children and adults (include yourself, teachers, chaperons and parents).
  • Payment: We accept cash, school or organization checks (no personal checks please), Visa, Master Card, Discover Card or Purchase Order. WE DO NOT TAKE AMERICAN EXPRESS. Groups using purchase orders must have a copy of the purchase order on file no later than one week before your visit.
  • Bring a copy of your EXEMPT ORGANIZATION CERTIFICATE (ST-5) with TAX I.D.#.
  • Permanent Markers: To write names on picking containers, seed containers or pumpkins

Note: The Discovery Barnyard play area is not included in the tour package. It is an option that can be added to your reservation at the time of booking depending on availability. There is a separate entrance fee of $8.00 per child, $4.00 per adult for this area; it is in addition to the tour package price. Please let all your guests, chaperons and parents know that this is an option and not included in the reservation.  

Arrival Procedures

  • Please arrive as close to your scheduled arrival time as possible.
  • All buses and cars must enter through the Hartford Road entrance, located across from Lenape High School.
  • Direct your groups to remain on the bus until they are greeted by a Johnson´s Farm staff member.
  • Follow the instructions of the Johnson´s Farm Greeter carefully. This information is very important, and will move your group along more efficiently.


  • Everything must be removed from the bus at this time. The buses will be parked in a separate location and retrieved when your group is ready to leave.Please do not line children up next to the buses to be counted. This can be done safely in the hayride staging area away from bus traffic.
  • Please do not try to make payment before the hayride. An accurate head count will be taken as you go through the gate to enter the wagons. This will be written on a group ticket and confirmed with you before the hayride departs. Payment can be made in the market immediately after the hayride.

During Your Visit

  • Our staff will guide your group to the appropriate activities.
  • Stay together as a group. Do not leave students unattended at any time.
  • If your reservation is for the Farm School Planting Tour or the Deluxe Popcorn and Sweet Potato Tour, you will spend time in our teaching area for an educational lesson.
  • A Hayride will take your group to the appropriate activity or seasonal crop.
  • Lunch will be in our picnic area. Pick up your lunches from your assigned space and drop off your crops so you are free to move about the farm unrestricted.


  • The picnic area is reserved for all groups, please be considerate. Take only the appropriate space needed.
  • Visit the Animal Farm to feed the animals and play. Everyone MUST wash their hands as they leave the animal areas.
  • Allow time to visit our Farm Market, Bakery and Gift Shop. Children and Adults are welcome to visit the Farm Market  and Gift Shop for souvenirs, delicious baked goods and jersey fresh produce.


Before You Leave

Before You Leave

  • Remember to see Diane for payment. The Johnson’s Farm Greeter will be unable to retrieve your buses until presented with the paid receipt.
  • Check for any missing belongings or children.
  • Tell a Johnson’s Farm Greeter you are ready to go, so your bus can be brought back for loading.

Payment Procedures and Policies

2024 Tour Prices:

  • Regular Tour $15.00 per person (child or adult)
  • Deluxe Tour $17.00 per person (child or adult)
  • Summer Camp Special $17.00 per person (child or adult)
  • Discovery Barnyard upgrade $8.00 per child $4.00 per adult

Tour Includes:

  • Seasonal Crop Picking or Activity
  • A hayride
  • A trip to the Animal Farm to feed the animals and play
  • Use of the picnic area for your brown bagged lunch or snack
  • An informational Teacher Packet with coloring sheets

Please note that the Discovery Barnyard (playground area) is not included with any of our tours. It is an additional $8.00 per child, $4.00 per adult to include the Discovery Barnyard with your package. Space is limited for safety purposes.

Per Person Charge:

  • All Children will be charged.
  • All adults will be charged this includes teachers, chaperons and all parents that may want to participate.

Minimum Charge:

All tours require a 15-guest minimum. If you do not have 15 guests on the day of the tour you will be charged the minimum price.

  • Regular Tour $225.00
  • Deluxe Tour $255.00
  • Summer Camp Special Tour $255.00

Under 1 Policy:

If a child is under the age of 12 months and will not be participating in the activity or picking, they will be free. But if they are picking or participating in any activity, they will be included in your head count and charged.

Free Admissions:

We allow one complimentary Chaperon for every 15 paid admissions. Additional supervising adults will be charged the tour rate. All adults will be allowed to pick the seasonal crop and participate in the hayride and activities. The free admissions will be based on your total head count. An accurate head count will be done on the day of your tour.

Head Count:

Anyone who gets on the hayride will be considered a participant and will be counted. Your head count will be recorded on a Group Ticket Card and confirmed with the Group Leader before your hayride departs.
If there is any discrepancy with the head count this is the time to make corrections (not when you make payment).

The Group Leader will be responsible for making one payment for the entire group based on the head count recorded on the Group Ticket Card.

Anyone who is meeting the group here (extra parents) must see the Group Leader for payment before taking the hayride. We cannot be responsible for collecting those payments.

*Please be advised that anyone who is meeting a group at the farm and is late runs the risk of not being able to participate. It is very difficult and time consuming to catch them up to the group. It also creates and issue with the final head count (especially if the Group Leader does not know they have arrived). Everyone should be here and ready to go at the scheduled reservation time. Once the hayride has left the staging area, we cannot guarantee that the late arrivals will be able to be included in the activities.

Payment is due the day of your trip. It can be made at any time after the hayride portion of your trip. You will need the Group Ticket Card with the accurate final head count. We accept Cash, Organization Checks, Purchase Orders, Visa, Master Card and Discover Cards. WE DO NOT TAKE AMERICAN EXPRESS. If the group leader has received payment from the group in small bills ($1 & quarters) we would appreciate it if these were exchanged for larger bill to make counting and payment easier at time of payment on trip day. An invoice will be given to you, along with a teacher’s packet which contains any literature, activity or coloring sheets.

Additional Information
We do our best to predict the crop picking schedule, but sometimes Mother Nature has her own plan. In the event that the crop you are scheduled to pick is not available, we may substitute another crop or activity. You also have the option of rescheduling if you are flexible with the date.

Rain Dates
We do not reserve rain dates. However, we will take a rain date request if necessary. Rain dates will be reserved or confirmed if this becomes necessary.

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  • We are closed for the 2024 season.  We will re open April 4, 2025.
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